31 Day Challenge, day 21: Inspired by a Color

Hi everyone! This is day 21 of the 31 Day Challenge and this time I'm supposed to be "inspired by a color". Like many other participants of the challenge I'm a little confused about what exactly is meant by that, so I chose to be inspired by the name of a polish, like fellow blogger Sarah did from Chalkboard Nails (do check out her blog!).

My inspiration, that I just randomly grabbed out of my Helmer, became OPI's Midnight Blue Glitter, pictured below. I instantly liked the name of it and already had an idea of what to make. But instead of using the polish itself for the look, I decided to only use the name as theme, because I really wanted my mani to scream: "BLUE GLITTER!". :3 And although Midnight Blue Glitter does contain beautiful blue (and turquoise and pink) bits here and there, the overall color is clearly charcoal. So I picked OPI Absolutely Alice (on top of Orly Sweet Peacock) to be my blue glitter. Which means my ring finger is indeed symbolizing midnight, with a classical Roman twelve in a clock, freehanded over China Glaze 2030. Hope you like it! :-)

OPI - Midnight Blue Glitter


  1. Wow this is really gorgeous! I love the roman numerals especially!

  2. Love the idea and the freehanded accent nail! Awesome job!! :)

  3. That Orly Sweat Peacock is one of the prettiest blues I've ever seen - it screams superhero :O !

  4. I can't believe the Roman Numerals are free hand. You have some serious skills! Another beautiful mani xx

  5. wow. that looks insane and i cannot believe that is freehanded, well done lady!

  6. Awww...this is o pretty. Love the color combos and design. You def did a great job on this mani. Love it!

  7. AA is beautiful by itself, but your design tops that! love it. And that midnight blue glitter looks gorgeous too! I hope you'll show it to us soon!

  8. I love the idea of being insprired by the name of a nail polish! Great job on the freehand and it definitely screams blue glitter like you wanted it to! :)

  9. Where can I find the newest 31 day challenge?
